Domino is a game in which players alternately place tiles on the table so that their ends touch each other. The resulting chains of tile edges gradually increase in length. Each end of a domino shows a number (normally a multiple of 5) and the rest is blank or identically patterned. The numbers on the exposed surfaces of the dominoes are known as its suit. Each suit is associated with one or more pips. When a player places a domino so that its two matching ends total a multiple of five, that player is awarded that number of points in the game.
Hevesh is an expert at creating domino setups that are both beautiful and mind-blowing. She follows a version of the engineering-design process when she designs an installation, which begins with considering its theme or purpose and brainstorming images or words that might be used in the design. She then creates a layout, including arrows that show the direction the dominoes are expected to fall. The final design can be anything from straight lines to curved lines, grids that form pictures when they fall, stacked walls or 3D structures like towers and pyramids.
The popularity of domino has inspired a variety of games that involve laying down dominoes and then attempting to score points by occupying spaces with adjacent pieces or by counting the remaining pips on an opposing player’s tiles. Some games are blocking games, in which the player must empty his or her hand before the opponent can play a tile. Other games are scoring games, in which a player wins by amassing the most points over a set number of rounds.
There are many different kinds of domino games, but most share the same general rules: a player may only play a domino whose pips match the pips on an adjacent tile. This means that a player must build a chain of dominoes, ideally until all the tiles are in place. In addition, a player must make sure that no other tiles are touching a double. Most games use only the long sides of a double to connect with other tiles, and they only allow additional dominoes to be played on a double’s cross-way if those adjacent tiles have matching pips.
The first player to score points by occupying all of the open spaces in the game board is declared the winner. However, a player can also win by achieving a target score, such as reaching 100 or 200 points in a specified number of rounds.